Monday, February 18, 2008

حتى تكون اسعد الناس !!!!

عش حياة البساطة ..... وإياك والرفاهية والإسراف والبذخ فكلما ترفه الجسم تعقدت الروح.....

انظر إلى من هو دونك في الجسم ... والصورة والمال .. والبيت ... والوظيفة .. والذرية ... لتعلم انك فوق ألوف الناس .....

لاتعش في ..
المثاليات ..
بل عش واقعك ...

فأنت تريد من الناس مالا تستطيعه ..
.... فكن عادلا ......

زر المستشـــــفى ... لتعرف نعمة العافيـــة
والسجــــــــــــــن ... لتعرف معنى الحريــة
والصحة النفسية ... لتعرف نعمة العقــــــــــل

.... لأنك في نعم لا تدري بها ...

اهجر العشق والغرام والحب المحرم ...
فانه عذاب للروح .. ومرض للقلب ..
وافزع إلى الله ...
فانه الركن ...
إن خانتك أركان ...

ما أصابك لم يكن ليخطئك .. وما أخطأك لم يكن ليصيبك .. وجف القلم بما أنت لاق .. ولا حيلة لك في القضاء ...

لا تظن أن الحياة كملت لأحد ..
من عنده بيت ليس عنده سيــــــارة ...
ومن عنده زوجة ليس عنده وظيفة ...
ومن عنده شهية قد لا يجد الطعــــام ...
ومن عنده المأكولات منع من الأكل ...

إن من يؤخر السعادة حتى يعود ابنه الغائب ..
ويبني بيته ..
ويجد وظيفة مناسبة ..
إنما هو مخدوع بالسراب ..
مغرور بأحلام اليقظة ...

إذا وقعت عليك مصيبة أو شدة
... فافرح ...
بكل يوم يمر ...
لأنه يخفف منها ..
وينقص من عمرها ..
لان للشدة عمرا كعمر الإنسان ... لا تتعداه ....

الأعمى يتمنى أن يشاهد العالم ..
والأصم يتمنى سماع الأصوات ...
والمقعد يتمنى المشي خطوات ..
والأبكم يتمنى أن يقول كلمات ..
وأنت تشاهد وتسمع وتمشي وتتكلم ..

.... فكن من الشاكرين ....

What Does Friendship Mean To You?

Friendship to me wanting to give more than you receive.
Wanting to share whatever you can to make someone's life easier.

Friendship means giving love. It means saying I'm here for you.
It means sharing not only the good times, but the painful times in another's
life, too.
Friendship also means being able to silently stand there and lending a shoulder
of strength.

Friendship means trust.

Friendship means unconditional acceptance, regardless of race, creed,
religion, handicaps or background.

Friendship means helping ease the loneliness in life.

Friendship means saying hello, giving a smile, sharing hope.

Friendship means being able to laugh together, to cry together, to pray


There are moments in life when you miss someoneso much that you just want to pick them fromyour dreams and hug them for real!

When the door of happiness closes, another opens;But often times we look so long at theClosed door that we don't see the one,Which has been opened for us

Don't go for looks; they can deceive.Don't go for wealth; even that fades away.Go for someone who makes you smile, Because it takes only a smile toMake a dark day seem bright.Find the one that makes your heart smile.

Dream what you want to dream;Go where you want to go;Be what you want to be,Because you have only one lifeAnd one chance to do all the thingsYou want to do.

May you have enough happiness to make you sweetEnough trials to make you strong,Enough sorrow to keep you human andEnough hope to make you happy.

The happiest of people don't necessarilyHave the best of everything;They just make the most ofEverything that comes along their way.

The brightest future will alwaysBe based on a forgotten past;You can't go forward in life untilYou let go of your past failures and heartaches.

When you were born, you were cryingAnd everyone around you was smiling.Live your life so at the end,You’re the one who is smiling and everyoneAround you is crying.

Please send this message to those peopleWho mean something to you (I JUST DID);To those who have touched your life in one way or another;To those who make you smile when you really need it;To those who make you see theBrighter side of things when you are really down;To those whose friendship you appreciate;To those who are so meaningful in your life.

Don't count the years - count the memories!